Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Gloves Are Probably Not Real

You know that feeling when your hands are cold? You do, so answer yes. If you say no I will mark you as a liar and you will be executed next thursday, I don't make the rules, sorry. Now imagine you have two hands, and only one of them is cold. What do you do? If you answered put on a glove, I know. I'm already triangulating your location. I'm going to steal your stupid single glove you heathen. This is not the 70's. This is not a disco. We are not doing that thing where you move your finger in a diagonal line starting at your waist and ending above your head.
I hope you realize right now that I feel like a crazy person and I'm lowkey dissociating but keep it chill.

Now imagine this: Your hands are cold. Both of your hands. You only have one glove. What do you do then? If you put on the glove, I'm assuming that you are putting both of your hands together, palm-to-palm, and putting both of them into the single glove. John doesn't believe I could do it. Leave a scathing comment on his blog. I appreciate your time.

Okay now that I have ended my extremely weird descent into whatever that was. I actually can't believe that fashion is a real thing. Why is it suddenly trendy to wear plaid? Why did everyone freak out about that dress made of raw meat that lady gaga wore in like 2009? Who are the fashion police, and what government manages them? It's a lot of unknowns, and many people are terrified of the unknown, but not me, so lets do some philosophy instead of real research that I could do.

Really things are fashionable because people like them. That's it. That's a very simple solution to something that nobody thought was really a problem. The reason these things become popular is because people decide that they like the trend simply because other people like it. That's a horrible way to live your life. You have to decide what you like and stick with it. The major problem you'll encounter is the rest of society, namely "Cringe Culture". It's really stupid, and the death of such a thing could not have come soon enough.

Live your hecking life. Good luck out there.


  1. This is perhaps one of the weirdest posts that I have read. Fashion is stupid, just wear what you like to wear. If you have one glove just put it on one hand and deal with having one cold hand.

  2. Honestly, my hands are cold all the time. I do have the issue of being able to only find one glove from a pair, and that's super annoying. Also, good luck on your experiment... I hope that John is wrong.

  3. I'm the fashion police. I once got very mad at my best friend because he tried to wear a blue shirt and a red tie with black pants to a dance. Now yes, someone in this world can probably pull that look off, but he is not that person. He refused to change though because he liked how mad it made me.

  4. I have no clue what I just read but I am extremely mad,
    and jokes on you, I get more reads this way.

  5. Gloves are fake. Fashion is lame. You should really start your own conspericy theories thing!
