All of the stanzas listed here are awful
but on purpose
you might find them funny

To fill space, enjoy a sucrose space fill model
Physics is disgusting
Go to the crine sceme
Eat the physics
There is no mystery
Only science
Someone once told me
Diamonds are carbon
Made boring
Jewelry is just a form of broken glass
Otherwise known as
A tasty snack
If the Earth compresses minerals
And the dirt brings vegetables
Is the Earth compressing vegetables
Or the minerals forming turnips
Roses are the only wild salad
Tell your friends
And watch for the thorns
Only the best salad has thorns
Enjoy veganism
Do you ever think of coffee shops
Filled with water and coffee joining together
Look through the window and say
"I'm thinking about those beans"
Sing to the tune of old MacDonald had a farm
"I'm so sick that sunlight hurts
I am gods mistake"
And convince the world
You are accomplished
Do not make promises to water bottles
Instead fill them with water
That's their purpose
You need to stop talking to inanimate objects
What is Wal-mart
But the powerhouse of the cell?
Without Rihanna,
It is nothing
Oh to be a ghost
to scream the word, "boo"
and pretend it is frightening
What is the purpose of death
if not to haunt the ones you love
as a vicious payback
for not dying before you
You should burn your kitchen table
not for the reason you expect
but because of math analogies
table squared equals kitchen sink